One Year in Ghana


October 1 marks our first anniversary of serving as your Global Mission Co-workers in Ghana. In partnership with the Evangelical Presbyterian (EP) Church, Ghana, Larry serves as a Guest Lecturer at the EP Seminary, Peki and Debbie serves at the Dzake Community Health Clinic and the Peki Government Hospital in Peki.

During this first year, Larry has been teaching courses in Old Testament and Church Theology to students seeking ordained ministry and to lay leaders. He finds making instruction culturally engaging a challenge that is at once frustrating and exciting. He and the students learn together. In the coming year he hopes to introduce a course in World Religions.

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Debbie has enjoyed learning methods of treatment and working with patients which is quite different from her work in the US. She is learning where and how it may be appropriate to suggest other medical techniques being sensitive to budget and equipment restraints. Debbie has begun offering blood pressure and blood sugar tests to students and faculty at the seminary. In the future she may be developing healthcare seminars.

Thank you to all who have supported the
Colvins’ ministry with donations and prayers!