Centennial Christian Church's Struttin' Jazz Brunch

Centennial Christian Church hosted a Struttin’ Jazz Brunch on September 19, 2015, with entertainment provided by The Coleman - Hughes Project featuring Adrianne Felton - King.   



The Capital Campaign Committee, which includes Terell Butler (right) and Troy Squires (left) as Co - chairs, Conchita Hughes (center) – Fundraising Chair, and Tamarah Clark – Finance Chair, raised over 90% of the $10,000 goal set with donations still being received.  A silent auction was held with items as far away as California, and as luxurious as spa treatments in Hot Springs, Arkansas.  Several local Disciples of Christ, sister church congregants, contributed their talents towards our affair, from blown glass creations, handmade stationery, to designing of the showcase stopping peacock for the appetizer table. The brunch was a congregational success, which infused and invigorated our membership with excitement flowing into Sunday Morning Worship!!!  Members are already looking forward to the event next year.

As the Capital Campaign Committee event and campaign pledges were so successful, preparations have already begun for 2016 and beyond, as a new way for Centennial Christian Church to raise funds for capital improvements. Our new fund is designed to provide the financial resources to make the necessary building repairs and modifications to offer hospitality to our neighbors, guests and members.   At Centennial, our mission continues to be “We are the people of God who love one another and share that love by building ministries that Reach, Teach and Win Souls for Christ!”.

Photos courtesy of Michelle L. Artist