Trenton First Christian Makes Connections In the Garden


"The Garden" of Trenton, Missouri is an effort primarily sponsored by the First Christian Church, Disciples of Christ, to unite the community in growing something good. Nearly an acre of land on the church's property has been designated for use as a community garden, growing healthy food and healthy relationships for anyone willing to come participate.


Rather than renting out individual plots, the model is for everyone to work together on one large-scale garden; this not only allows for more visionary management of the property, but also allows for people who may not have the knowledge or time to plant their own garden to still take part in the process. Anyone who comes to volunteer in the garden is allowed to take home a share of produce available.


Behind the hopes to educate, provide healthy food, and celebrate nature's process of food production is a hope to connect the Church with people of the community as they work alongside each other; some out of need for food, some out of need for belonging, and some out of a desire to share God's love. And what better way for all of us to connect with our Creator than to go back to the place where it all began - in the garden.

Thanks to Ashlen Busick for this story! To see future posts about this and other activities at FCC Trenton click here.