Northwest Area Assembly

Sixty-two people signed in for the August 1st event which began with a business meeting.  The two most important resolutions recommended by the Northwest Area Executive Committee robust discussion.  There was unanimous approval to authorize the Northwest Area Executive Committee to make the determination about the 160 acre Center for Lifelong Learning (without the need to call another Board meeting).  That decision would be worked out in collaboration with the Mid-America Executive Committee.


The recommendation to have the Northwest Area fully merge with the Mid-America Region, effectively dissolving its governance structures while maintaining currently effective programs, was also approved unanimously.

Following the business session, some participants enjoyed a workshop on congregational best practices for transformation entitled "Hope Is a Partnership."  Leading the workshop was Cristie Sharpsteen, a facilitator for the Disciples HOPE Partnership, elder at North Kansas City First Christian Church, and realtor.  In her energetic and interactive presentation, Ms. Sharpsteen encouraged congregations to discern what they are already good and prayerfully work to raise it to such a level that it attracts the attention of those seeking to serve with Christ in that way.

The Mission Fair featured table top displays around the large fellowship hall at Wyatt Park Christian Church in St. Joseph, which hosted the event.  Congregations displayed photos and items from the missions and ministries that bring out the best in their congregations and representatives shared stories with those visiting the displays.



Worship followed.  New ministers, seminarians, and Youth Leadership Team officers were recognized and given desktop oil lamps that burned during the service to remind all of the light of Christ we each bring to the work of the Church.  At the close of worship all those who helped to support Summer Church Camp were invited to gather on the stage for a group photo which included former NW Area Minister Morris Page and his wife, former NW Area Office Administrator Dee Page.

Participants then enjoyed a sumptuous meal prepared by the Summer Church Camp cook and her staff.  A drawing was held for participants and Summer Church Camp volunteers for Chalice Press gift certificates.

Thanks to Regional Minister Team member Bill Rose-Heim for this summary and photos.