Iftar Dinner in Springfield

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Many Springfield Disciples were among 100 people gathered for the 2nd Annual Interfaith Iftar Dinner. The dinner is co-sponsored by Ekklesia, an ecumenical campus ministry at Missouri State directed by DOC pastor Michelle Scott-Huffman. The dinner began last year under the leadership of an Ekklesia student in an effort to show support for the Muslim community and to build relationships between people of different faith traditions.

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This year’s event featured panelists who spoke about fasting and hunger from Muslim, Jewish, and Christian traditions, and MSU professor of Islamic Studies and Inter-religious Relations, Dr. Matthew Kuiper. In addition to Ekklesia, the partners that sponsored this year's event were the Islamic Center of Springfield, Catholic Campus Ministries, Faith Voices of Southwest Missouri, and the Interfaith Alliance of the Ozarks. Event participants heard from speakers while waiting for the time to break the fast at sundown. The Muslim call to prayer was given by a student, signaling that it was time for the Maghrib prayer. Each table was set with dates and water to break the fast, and afterward a potluck feast was enjoyed by all. Fellowship and conversation went late into the evening between friends old and new. This Springfield tradition is sure to continue and to grow each year helping people of all faiths come to know and love their neighbor more fully. 

Thanks to Rev. Michelle Scott-Huffman for this story and photos.