Intentionally developing and fully utilizing the great wisdom, faith and experience of older adults is critical to the mission of churches today. Clearly, older adults are an essential resource for the Church, and have much to offer to its mission, not only in regular giving in the offering plate, but in life experience, faith formation and active involvement in the community.
It is essential for us to finds ways to develop a comprehensive plan to raise awareness and address the emerging crises in health, caregiving and faith issues, which cross generational and economic lines. There are many congregations seeking to develop more comprehensive approaches to such a ministry.
This program is made possible at no charge to participants by the Rickman Legacy Leadership Development Fund and will be led by Jan Aerie, MS, family counselor and gerontologist.
Lunch is included. Other opportunities are at Millersburg Christian Church in Fulton on September 30 and Monroe City Christian Church on October 13.