Eat, Praise, Love


World Communion Sunday is a special day in the life of mainline churches. Celebrated the first Sunday in October, congregations throughout the United States celebrate communion while conscious that other congregations are breaking the bread and drinking the cup. The practice has, for the most part, been done in the isolation of the local congregation. World Communion Sunday became a little more global this year in Bowling Green, MO. The congregations of the local Presbyterian, Methodist, and Disciple churches celebrated together. Members of the three congregations gathered at the Methodist church for breakfast. Participants also wrote simple prayers on strips of cloth that were tied to tree branches that were placed on the chancel area for worship.

Members then gathered for the worship hour at First Christian, DOC. The service featured a choir comprised of members from the three congregations. Communion was shared. The worship became a World Communion experience.

Worship was followed with a carry-in lunch at the Presbyterian church to conclude the day.

The Bowling Green Ministerial Association is comprised of these three faith families as well as several others that have never heard of World Communion Sunday. Information was shared concerning the plan for the special observance. The larger Baptist congregation, located across the street from the Methodist and DOC churches chose to combine their two services into one to celebrate “World Communion” in a single service and share a potluck afterwards. Perhaps the community effort will expand in the future and World Communion will be experienced as World Communion. Meanwhile three churches in Bowling Green are discussing what more will be done together.

Submitted by:
Rev. Bruce Moeller
Interim Pastor First Christian Church
Bowling Green, MO