Musicians from the Springfield area joined forces at Brentwood Christian Church on Oct. 1 in order to raise money for local students who would like to participate in musical programs at their schools, but lack the financial resources for doing so.
The event -- known as "NeuroJam" -- featured Dr. Gray Matter and the Zone Blitzers, a group of musicians, music therapists, scientists and dreamers from Brentwood Christian Church and the local community who came together to make this fundraiser possible.
Why NeuroJam? It's because the opportunity to participate in music education directly impacts opportunities for children to learn and grow. From a scientific viewpoint, children’s brains develop differently if they learn to play an instrument. Many of the members of the band are scientists, doctors, and music therapists who work with patients and clients daily, using music to bring about transformation. Brain development, the sense of belonging to a group, and the sheer joy of playing and learning something new all support children as they move forward both educationally and socially.
The idea for the concert emerged out of Springfield's "Zone Blitz" initiative, which is a city-wide effort aimed at reducing the rate of poverty in Springfield, which is currently double the average in the state of Missouri. Brentwood Christian Church has worked closely with Central Assembly of God in a partnership designed to bring two very different churches together in order to focus on Jesus' call to care for the poor. The NeuroJam concert gave Brentwood the opportunity to raise $7,000 that can go directly to this initiative. Funds will be used to repair instruments, purchase instruments, and cover costs and fees incurred for families in need of financial support so their children can participate in musical programs and activities.
Story and photos courtesy of Rev. Dr. Phil Snider,
Brentwood CC Sr. Minister.
The concert was also covered by a local newspaper.