Community Meals at Woodson Chapel Christian Church


For more than ten years now Woodson Chapel Christian Church in St. Joseph has been feeding its community every Monday night. The outreach started with the idea that people could benefit from such a ministry – whether they had financial trouble putting complete meals on the table, or they would perhaps otherwise be eating at home alone, or maybe they just wanted a hot meal that wasn’t fast food.

The attendance is usually between 45 and 65 each week. Supplying the meals to the community for free has become part of the regular church budget, but they also receive some donations from the participants who are able to contribute. There are two main cooks, a core group of helpers, and other occasional volunteers to staff the gatherings – preparing the meal, hosting, and cleaning up.

What a wonderful ministry of welcome, hospitality, and assistance!

…Jesus had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread. Luke 24:35

Thank you to church administrator Barbara Frank and
pastor George Morey for this information and photo.