Open Hands - Bolivar Area Soup Kitchen

First Christian Church in Bolivar has launched a new ministry of feeding the hungry in their community. Pastor Bill Nichols shares about their experience over the last two months.

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After a successful volunteer training and kickoff dinner on Monday, September 30th, the Open Hands Soup Kitchen started serving meals to the public on Monday nights beginning October 7th. While there were only a few members of the public in attendance for the first couple of weeks, we had and continue to have a plethora of volunteers from the public and continue to train new volunteers on almost a weekly basis. On Monday, November 25th, our 8th week serving the community, we fed over 100 people a full course Thanksgiving Meal. Once again, our volunteers came out in force not only to serve, but many brought desserts for the meal. Turkeys were donated by the local Woods Market and were smoked by one of First Christian Churches elders, Gary Short. Pastor Joe Langford, one of several local pastors who participate in this ministry, gave the devotion. Door prizes were drawn after the meal and then those present were able to pick up free grocery items to take home with them.

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Open Hands is an ecumenical organization formed by several churches and community ministries that is hosted by First Christian Church in Bolivar. Several members of the church also participate in the ministry and the pastor’s wife Becky Nichols serves on the board of Open Hands. Crosslines Ministry in Springfield and Community Outreach Ministries in Bolivar help supply some of the groceries and paper supplies needed for this ministry. Donations to help support this ministry can be sent to First Christian Church, P.O. Box 416, Bolivar Missouri, 65613 and designated for BASK.

Thank you to Rev. Bill Nichols for this information and photos.