West Lake CC Supports Week of Compassion

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Every February, West Lake Christian Church holds their annual White Elephant Auction immediately following the 3rd Sunday Fellowship Dinner to raise funds in support of the Week of Compassion offering.

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This auction has been going on for over twenty years and is one of our events that is looked forward to with anticipation by many. Using the White Elephant rules, items purchased may be opened or traded. Some of the items included are restaurant gift certificates, pies, Dairy Queen ice cream cakes for a year, paintings, boat rides with dinner on the lake, and there is even a White Elephant with $50.00 in it that remains with the winning bidder. Then there are gifts such as hospital urinals, old magazines, and a host of other unwanted household items. There is a lot of good natured ribbing and laughter had by all as we support a very necessary cause. When the bids were in and the last gift was auctioned we were able to send over $2100.00 to the Week of Compassion offering for 2020.

Thanks to WLCC Pastor Kelly Caldwell for this story and photos.