Kennett FCC Supporting the Colvins

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First Christian Church of Kennett celebrated their most recent annual Thanksgiving potluck with a special twist. They added to the festivities a Sweet & Savory Silent Auction for Mission, a fund raiser for Global Ministries mission co-workers Larry & Debbie Colvin who are currently serving in Ghana. Participants brought homemade baked, sweet, salty, and savory goodies to be auctioned, as well as gift certificates for items requiring immediate consumption such as casseroles, salads, etc. There was also a cupcake cakewalk enjoyed by children and adults alike. The event was a success with $1,077.50 raised. 

Global Ministries is grateful to FCC Kennett and other congregations who have so faithfully and creatively found ways to help fund the appointments of the Colvins with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Ghana. This event is a wonderful example of how we can all help make a difference!

Learn more about the Colvins’ work in Ghana and how you and your church can help support it.