Growing with Older Adult Ministries


Our Older Adult Ministries Program has received a renewal of its National Benevolent Association (NBA) grant for this year, along with an increase in funding. This is a positive acknowledgement of the work being done here in our Region, and the value the work has as a model for other congregations, Regions, and even other denominations.

Theologians and church experts are more frequently saying that church revitalization must enfold Older Adult Ministries in its intergenerational approach. So, our Older Adult Ministries seeks to increase its impact and exposure by connecting with more congregations, and having resources and services available more frequently. The program has served more than 35 congregations in our Region in four years, and will continue to expand.

The new NBA funding for this year will enable online resources to be created. These include a descriptive promotional video, and a series of short videos which can be used as discussion starters by adult church groups. The series will address common and ponderous topics about aging and church ministries. In the coming year more will be added to the series.

The program will increase its visibility by being present at Regional Assembly in October, offering a day-long seminar on Thursday, a display and workshop. Churches are encouraged to plan their own seminar to address specific needs in their community and churches. These can be two-hour to day-long workshops including hands-on materials, lively discussion, and creative planning. Everyone is invited and participation is free!

Watch for new educational videos available soon. These can be utilized by any church, with various age groups, to begin to explore and discuss the unique gifts and experiences older adults have to share intergenerationally. Our web page offers many resource links as well as study materials.

Contact Paul Koch at or 636.221.7065 or Jan Aerie at or 216.870.1557 for more information.

Thanks to Jan Aerie for this information.