Mask Mission

Affton CC has several congregants who work in various healthcare facilities and networks. Each network establishes their own policies when it comes to accepting homemade masks and mask covers. All of our healthcare workers are saying that the situation is changing rapidly and many are changing their policy to allow the acceptance of homemade masks and covers. So far, people within our congregation and within the larger community have donated dozens of masks and mask covers which have been distributed to various facilities accepting them. We remain committed to be a collection center in the community for masks and mask covers to be given, not only to healthcare workers, but all who are serving essential duties during the COVID-19 crisis.

If anyone is willing to sew homemade masks for Mercy Healthcare System, please contact Rev. David Woodard at and indicate how many masks you're willing to make. The material and pattern will be provided by Mercy. 

Thanks to Rev. David Woodard for this information and photos.