Masks for MC


Masks for MC began as an attempt for JoLynn Yates to provide masks for her daughter who is a physician in a medical clinic associated with the University of Nebraska. JoLynn, a member of Monroe City Christian Church, quickly realized that alone she could not help stem the tide of patients presenting in the clinic daily so she reached out to her friends that sew in Monroe City, MO. Within a few days, the group of women from churches across the community provided nearly 200 masks for Omaha. Then the group began to expand and to make sure they had masks for their families and those elderly that they were watching over. The mad dash to find elastic bound the women and their friends together and those that couldn’t sew became shoppers online for supplies and some began cutting out the fabric so a seamstress could concentrate at her machine. When asked for help, the local Ben Franklin Store made a huge donation of fabric. It became apparent that the group needed a manager that was not a seamstress so those that could would sew. This led to a front porch delivery system of drop off and supply pickup. The town’s needs have been prioritized, and as of Monday March 30, more than 200 masks have found there way to nursing home residents, first responders, Nutrition Center delivery volunteers, and Group Homes for the Developmental  Disabilities in just under 4 days. Plans are to reach businesses, the ministers, funeral directors, those with special health concerns, and Food Bank volunteers. Facebook/Messenger has been the contact tool and has proven very effective. 

Most masks are based on a pleated mask with instructions. Find more information on their Facebook page.

Thanks to pastor Mark Sewell for story and photo.