Vaccines at South Street Christian Church


In response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases and low vaccination rates in southwest Missouri, six Springfield churches, led by South Street Christian Church, hosted two vaccination clinics, on Thursday, June 10, with a follow-up event on Thursday, July 1. The clinics were held at South Street in Myers Fellowship Hall. Other supporting churches in this ecumenical effort were St. Agnes Catholic Church, First Baptist Church, Grace United Methodist Church, the Downtown Church, and Southside Baptist Church.

Local station KY3 was there to cover the event.

The vaccines and personnel were furnished by the Jordan Valley Community Health Center in partnership with the Greene County Health Department, Greene County Medical Society, the City of Springfield, and the United Way of the Ozarks' Give5 program. First and second shots of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and one-time Johnson & Johnson shots were available.

Among those vaccinated were several teenagers (aged 12-17), including two children of South Street's new Associate Minister, Rev. David Nordyke. Pictured are Kyleigh and Garrison Nordyke receiving the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

South Street has been having in-person worship since Easter, but they are still requiring masks and social distancing in the sanctuary. Senior Minister Rev. Janet Given said, "We are in a critical situation in the Springfield area, with a very low vaccination rate and the Delta variant spreading rapidly. We encourage everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated to do so as soon as possible, for your protection and the safety of others."

Thanks to Rev. Janet Given, Senior Minister
for this story and photos.