All Aboard the Diaper Train at Florissant Valley Christian Church


Florissant Valley Christian Church partners with TEAM in collecting food and other items for those in need from Hazelwood and Florissant in North St Louis County. Team (The Emergency Assistance Ministry) is sponsored by a number of congregations in North County as well as other groups.

Florissant Valley Christian Church contributes regularly to TEAM by having an emphasis that may run a month or two. Having a focus for the contributions seems to work well. Recently we had a fun emphasis called "The Diaper Train.” When the FVCC’s volunteers delivered the previous van load of food, they had been told of the need for diapers. In response, we came up with the fun idea of making a diaper train. The challenge was to make a train of diaper packages from one door down the hall to the nursery. We placed the “locomotive” on the wall at one end; the “caboose” at the other. Boxcars (pictures of diaper boxes with wheels) were placed along the hallway wall, with large letters spelling out “Diaper Train.” 

 On July 25, the collection ended with close to 100 boxes/packages of diapers, wipes, and adult diapers. We dedicated them in worship with this prayer: God, We give you thanks for all you have given us especially your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. You have given us so many material things including the financial means to be generous as you have taught us. Thank you that we have learned from Jesus to share what we have with others.

We thank you for agencies—their staff , volunteers and sponsors such as TEAM that put your teachings into action by helping others. We pray that those who may receive our offerings of diapers may be blessed and that their needs will be lessened by the donations of others.


On Monday July 26, FVCC’s volunteers  delivered the carloads of diapers to TEAM.

Thanks to Rev. Mike and Sandy Dixon for this story and photo.