SJCC Youth Participate in Disciple Summer Mission


In 2019 the youth of South Joplin Christian Church participated for the first time in the week long Disciple Summer Mission event which was held in Springfield, MO. It was a wonderful experience serving alongside other Disciples youth from other regions across the country. The youth were looking forward to the next event to be held in Memphis, TN in 2020. However, as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic the event was canceled and rescheduled for 2021. Needless to say, the SJCC youth were disappointed upon learning that the DSM event in Memphis was once again being rescheduled for 2022.


It was exciting news to hear that rather than totally cancel the 2021 Disciple Summer Mission, the DSM Planning Team re-envisioned the event and issued the call and challenge for Disciples youth to do mission and service work in their own communities. “DMS in our own backyards!”  What a novel idea and great opportunity to make ourselves visible in our own communities. South Joplin jumped on board and a small group of youth participated in the DSM week of service, worship and fellowship in Joplin, June 21-25. It turned out to be a great week and a wonderful mission experience.


Although small in number, the SJCC youth made an impact in the Joplin community. During the week the youth served at Crosslines Ministries, Inc., the local food panty and free store of which South Joplin has been a faithful partner since its inception 39 years ago. The youth provided some much needed cleaning of areas in the pantry, bagged 300 bags of commodities for distribution and sorted and re-organized a large donation of housewares that had accumulated over time. On an additional day the youth were part of SJCC’s volunteer team at Crosslines and had the opportunity to serve clients directly through food distribution and filling the clothing racks, etc. in the free store. Other service included tending the community garden at Soaring Heights Elementary School and the weeding of SJCC’s playground and park area that serves our local neighborhood. Mid-week the youth had the opportunity to assist in cataloging books and organizing the library at the Freedom of Flight Museum, a local non-profit located on the grounds of the Joplin Regional Airport, that provides the opportunity for children and youth to learn about and initiate interest in the field of aviation. 


The week’s activities also included a time for worship and fellowship. Although not gathered as one group of Disciples worshipping together, the DSM Team provided virtual resources via Facebook that we were able to incorporate into our own worship. Our time of fellowship during the week included an “All About Town” Scavenger hunt created by Pastor Kathryn which landed the group in the middle of the “Great Race” which was passing through Joplin and concluded with a stop at Sonic. Our week ended with a fun time of miniature golf and old fashioned snowballs.


Each day of the week the youth were challenged to reflect on the question, “Where did you see God at work today?” As we shared it was amazing to hear their answers and insights. Although we were not able to travel to Memphis and serve alongside other Disciples youth, we appreciate that we had the opportunity to serve in our own backyard. 

Submitted by Rev. Kathryn Wilson,
Minister of Mission and Outreach