Six Weeks of Compassion 2021: Let Love Flow

Each year since 2013, we at Compton Heights Christian Church have dedicated six weeks in late summer to concentrate on several of our outreach missions, and to learn more about some of the organizations we are supporting. This year, due to Rev. Jacque Foster’s upcoming retirement, our Six Weeks of Compassion will take place in two separate parts:  August (1,8,15, 22) and September (12,19).

During August, we learned about how our Week of Compassion Offering collected in the winter is helping in disaster response and long-term recovery, as well as aid to refugees in camps around the world. 

We also heard a great progress report from our local resident ministry, Isaiah 58 Ministries. We surpassed our goal of 250 highlighters collected for their annual back to school drive.

One of our members shared memories of the first person-to-person visit in 2009 to Family Village Farm in India. Donations have been coming in for our support of children there.

During the two-week break, we will follow a gratitude calendar and prayerfully consider an additional gift to Week of Compassion.

In September we will learn about the work of Church World Service and receive items for CWS hygiene kits.  We also will learn about the unique Missouri Festival of Sharing that is an umbrella not only for Church World Service, but many organizations helping in our state.

Our theme for this year’s Six Weeks of Compassion is Let Love Flow. Our congregation is full of generous and loving people, who seriously believe that God’s Love is for All people, ourselves, our neighbors in the city and country, and around the world. We believe that God is present in every place that needs healing, compassion, and justice. For these 6 weeks we will focus on outreach, but we engage in this giving all through the year.

Thanks to Compton Heights Christian Church’s Judi Linville for this information.