Springfield-area Disciples Help Feed Hungry Neighbors

Three Springfield-are Disciples of Christ congregations are working together to feed their unsheltered and food-insecure neighbors on Tuesday nights. Central Christian Church has been hosting these Tuesday-night dinners since 2020. In February their nonprofit partner announced they would not be able to continue their efforts. On Ash Wednesday, three DOC ministers started making plans to fill that huge gap. Central has been joined by Brentwood Christian Church and First Christian Church in Republic. Both congregations jumped at the opportunity to do this work of the Church together.

Brentwood serves the first Tuesday of each month, Central the third, and Republic, the fourth. There is a small group from the former partner organization that does the second Tuesday; we may partner on any fifth Tuesdays.

Each week about 20 people are fed, plus 25 boxed meals are sent to the Youth Connect Center. 

Other groups donate hygiene supplies and pre-bagged packages of pet food, as they’re able, and those items are available for our friends to grab as needed. 

Thanks to Brentwood CC Pastor of Digital Ministries & Director of Communications Rev. Alyssa Spradlin for this information and photos.