Blessing of the Bikes in California

What a wonderful service we had on Saturday for our first Blessing of the Bikes!  We had 10 bikes ride in and many people came to worship with us.  

Fire Harvest provided music for worship and Nik Keller (President of Fishers of Men chapter of the Christian Motorcycle Association) brought the Word to all. We wound up worshipping for 2 hours before laying hands on the bikes and riders as we prayed for safety, opportunities to witness on the road, and for each rider to experience the risen Christ on their travels. 

Prayers were answered with perfect weather the Holy Spirit was moving throughout the entire place!

The event ended with a 1 hour ride where we rode through California, Tipon, Fortuna, and High Point as a witness of God's people gathered together. 

Thanks to First Christian Church in California’s
Pastor Kevin King for this story and photos.