The youth group at First Christian Church of Edwardsville, IL held their Jack H. Enloe, Fifth Annual Youth Scholarship Golf Scramble on October 2nd, 2016. Our youth, college-aged leaders, and parents served alongside each other setting up the course, registering golfers, selling raffle tickets, and preparing lunch and dinner for the approximately one-hundred people that attended. Together, we raised nearly ten-thousand dollars, enjoyed a fabulous day of fellowship, and witnessed the grace of God at work.
Championship Flight winners with a score of 55- (From left to right) Brett Evans, Rick Marteeny, Greg Modiste, and David Herndon
Our youth are faced with more choices today than many of us could ever imagine. Because of the generosity of our sponsors, donors, parents, and golfers, we are able to offer our youth choices that can make a positive impact on both this community and those to whom we serve.
This past year, the youth were able to spend four days in Fayetteville, Arkansas serving those who needed their assistance. They spent much of their time laboring at a Salvation Army cleaning, organizing, and painting. Some of the youth spent time cleaning a transitional apartment at Seven Hills Homeless Shelter making it ready for the next family. Neither of these assignments were easy tasks. They had to rollup their sleeves, get dirty, and often, try not to breath in smells that they have never experienced.
Flight A winners with a score of 64- (From left to right) Kim Michel, Jake Zambaldi, Eric Michel, and David Smith
It is through experiences like these they not only grow closer to one another, but it helps them to see what others who are less fortunate are faced with on a daily basis. Teenagers might be more connected than ever with what’s happening around the world, but have they seen what it’s like to live below the poverty line in small-town America? These trips help pull teenagers from their typical context and help them to understand that the world is larger than their daily lives would have them believe. Eyes are opened, passions are ignited, and possibilities are exposed. We are all rewarded as we see their faith in God growing stronger and as we witness God’s work being done through them.
Flight B winners with a score of 69 - (From left to right) Jason Sterling, Jaylon Rolens, Max Rolens, and Danny Rolens
The funds raised from this event also assists families in sending their youth to Bigstuf Camp in Panama City, Florida. Each year we attend camp with fifteen hundred youth from various places around the country. Our youth spend much of the week worshipping together during morning and evening worship sessions. Following these sessions along with our parent sponsors we spend time together in small groups reflecting on the message that was shared. We have witnessed youth becoming closer to God and each other as a result of this camp.
We are not only grateful for the generous donations received, but also for the parents, family, friends, and business owners who come together at this event. Support goes so much deeper than your donations. It is also found in the love and compassion that you show them and others. The First Christian Youth Group would like to thank all of those who attended and graciously offer them support throughout their teenage years and beyond.
Story and photos courtesy of Rev. Jeff Wrigley, Associate Minister
Find even more photos here.