A message from our Regional Board & Regional Minister Team

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

The results of Tuesday's elections demonstrate loudly and clearly that we live in a divided and fractured world. There are a diversity of opinions and a diversity of beliefs. Some will rejoice with the new president elect, others will mourn.

In times such as this we, the regional board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), along with our regional team ministers, recognize and applaud the individual's right to vote for his or her candidates. We recognize that some in our congregations will have voted republican, some democrat, some independent, some with write-ins, and some not at all. We also recognize that the One whom we ultimately follow, not a politician or pundit, but our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, calls us to work for reconciliation, healing, and unity.

We stand proudly and alongside all individuals - regardless of one's sexual orientation, one's race, one's cultural heritage, one's faith background, one's physical or mental ability, migrant or refugee - recognizing that we are all God's children representative of every walk of life around the world - all made in the image of God. We are all God bearers. We are called to break down walls and build bridges of trust and hope, not the other way around.

And so, as we prepare for worship this Sunday, we want to share with you two specific thoughts: 1) We will be praying for each of you as you join in worship, prayer, and celebration for the presence of the Risen One, our Savior; and 2) We encourage all congregations to consider using, as a source of liturgy and a source of hope, the litany shared at our regional board meeting this past Saturday, "God of the Ever-Present Crosses" (Chalice Hymnal #657) and/or "A Prayer for the Nation" (Chalice Hymnal #723).

Finally, if you have not already, please read yesterday's blog post from our General Minister and President Sharon Watkins, for an additional message of unity and hope.

Prayers and blessings from your Regional Board and Regional Minister Team, Christian Church of Mid-America