Northeast Area Assembly

Assembly Business

Officers & Board Members

Don’t be anxious about anything;
rather, bring up all of your requests to God
in your prayers and petitions,
along with giving thanks. 
Philippians 4:6 (CEB

More than 60 Northeast Area Disciples gathered at Macon First Christian Church on Saturday, November 8th for the 2014 Northeast Area Assembly.  This year’s theme focused on Freedom From Anxiety using “Don’t be anxious about anything; rather, bring up all of your requests to God in your prayers and petitions, along with giving thanks” from Philippians 4:6 (CEB) as our inspiring text.  The opening session of our Assembly re-visited our history by reflecting on Walter Scott and his Five-finger Exercise. 

Each Assembly offers continuing education opportunities for ministers and lay persons and this year’s Assembly offered two opportunities for folks to attend workshops about a pastor’s baptism class, giving and receiving forgiveness, encouraging and equipping leaders in your congregations, maximizing your church’s spaces to be welcoming and hospitable for visitors, and a chance hear about the upcoming changes in Mid-America and the Northeast Area with an opportunity to ask questions.     

The Business session started out with an Area update and recognition of new ministers to the Northeast Area and well as those retiring (or retired) in 2014.  New to the Area are Bill Foglesong at Eldon First Christian Church and Mark Tisch at Central Christian Church in Moberly.  Retiring this year is David Avery of Community Christian Church, Jefferson City; Don Carter of Jefferson City First Christian Church; Bob Eichenberger of Higbee Christian Church; Martha Jolly of the Northeast Area; Tom Schofield of Elsberry First Christian Church; Donna Scott of Paris First Christian Church; and Ed Varnum of Fulton First Christian Church.

The only business item was the approval of the slate of officers to be in effect during the proposed changes in the Mid-America Region to provide continuity and experience.  Mark Palmer, CEO of Woodhaven and Rev. Larry Veatch presented information about the current Woodhaven Capital Campaign.  Woodhaven is currently in a 1.9 million dollar campaign to help build new facilities that will train healthcare workers as well as a facility that will provide spaces for those they serve reach ages in which their medical needs increase and they can age in home with medical support.  Woodhaven is very proud of their history and continued relationship with Christian Church (Disciple of Christ) in Mid-America and the support of our congregations.  Rev. Veatch as well as other ambassadors will be contacting your congregation to let you know of their campaign and needs. 

There was then a moment of levity which provided many laughs as Jay Stevenson, NE Area Administrative Chair and Mark Palmer re-enacted a “Who’s on First” act.  A presentation was given to Mark Palmer for his dedication to the Northeast Area and his work on the Northeast Area board.   Knowing Mark’s love of the St. Louis Cardinals, an anonymous donor gave the Area a Hall of Fame silver dollar autographed by Tony LaRussa to present to Mark.

Everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch of pulled pork provided by the folks at Macon FCC.  We closed the day with Praise and Worship in which we revisited our history with Walter Scott and again took a look at how to keep ourselves free from anxiety by practicing the basic five finger exercise.  Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Remission of Sins, and Gifts of the Holy Spirit can be used to proclaim the gospel and a way to keep us focused on being people of hope without Anxiety.  Our Assembly Offering will be presented to Woodhaven from the NE Area as a gift to the Capital Campaign.