Ozark Lakes Area Assembly

Disciples participating in the Ozark Lakes Area Assembly at the First Christian Church in Bolivar, MO filled most of the sanctuary Sunday afternoon, November 2, 2014.  Stirring music from Tony Reynolds and a video review of a successful, experimental inter-generational summer church camp with fifty three campers and twenty seven adult sponsors set the tone for the rest of the afternoon. Plans are in the works to continue developing the new camp format.  At the business session the current slate of officers was approved to serve through 2015 in hopes of adding stability and experience as conversations begin in clusters and congregations about the proposed regional restructure in 2016. 

RMT member Bill Rose-Heim presented on the Assembly theme:  The Fork in the Road: Which Way God? Using the texts for the Assembly worship (Exodus 13:27-32 and Luke 24:13-16) and examples from Church history assembly participants were reminded that Christians have previously faced changes in the past that have required adaptive change.  Resources for congregational conversations on proposed changes in regional governance structures were shared.