On Sunday September 17, 2017 more than a 160 members and friends gathered to celebrate this milestone with a formal worship celebration. Speakers included Jean Berg, a 3rd generation member, who spoke to the historical significance of the church. Dr. G. Mike Weinman, Regional Minister Team member, spoke to the role of the church today and the importance of welcoming all to the table. Dr. L. Brent Cantrell, Timothy of the church, spoke to the church's witness and ministry moving forward. There was also special music by the Adult and Children's choirs, Bell Choir, God's Rods (youth Sticks ministry of the church), and guest pianist Carl Cunningham who grew up in the congregation, and Harpist, Elizabeth Mosher. The gathering also recognized oldest and youngest members and presented a proclamation on behalf of the Missouri Senate. This special service was followed by a group photo and catered lunch. Thanks be to God for a wonderful day!