Pictured left to right are Dan Kercher, Murrell Arnett, and Larry Colvin.
Disciple Care Team (DCT) had their semi-annual gathering September 23 at Broadway Christian Church in Columbia. The team members are pastors, retired pastors, and lay folk who volunteer to visit and represent CCMA and/or CCMA Regional Minister Team. They share happenings in the region, celebrate special events, and bring care.
DCT is also shares in learning. Many participate in boundary training, pro-reconciliation/anti-racism training and other educational events. Each semi-annual gathering also includes a learning component. At the September gathering, Rev. Frank Proctor discussed issues surrounding the closing of congregations. He has studied/shared in the process for several years and is preparing a team to walk along with churches in the process.
Regional Minister Team member Dr. Larry Colvin presented a certificate of appreciation to Murrell Arnett of First Christian Church in Macon for his many years as chairman of DCT. He is a charter member of DCT and, even in stepping down, will continue with the team for an additional three year term. Retired Pastor Dan Kercher of First Christian Church in Cameron was unanimously selected as the new chairman.
Article by Dr. Larry Colvin
Photo by Diane Hall