Community CC Partners with Elementary School for Christmas Party

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The members of Community Christian Church “adopted” all the students and classroom teachers at Columbia Elementary School in St. Louis for Christmas. Members donated books, toys, puzzles, crayons, markers and more. In total, 216 gifts for children and nearly 20 teacher goodie bags were wrapped by 34 CCC members after church on December 17th. On December 20th, Santa Claus and 16 CCC members helped distribute the gifts at the school for all students and teachers. In addition, 150 books were donated to the school to have for classroom use and in the library, and thirty-four $10.00 gift cards were donated for those families in transition. The school surprised the volunteers who helped at the Christmas party with a lovely luncheon to say thank you. Volunteers from CCC continue to provide mentoring at the school several times a month.

Thanks to Beth Bean for story and photo.