Bruce Barkhauer Visits Mid-America


Last week Mid-America hosted Bruce Barkhauer, Director of the Center for Faith and Giving. Bruce spoke at several churches in the Region on the topic of transformative ways for congregations to think about stewardship.

His engagements began with preaching at Community Christian Church in Manchester on January 21st. Later that day, he attended a pot luck dinner and spoke at Celebration Church in St. Peters. Monday brought a clergy cluster gathering at Central Christian Church in Moberly. The Monday evening event planned at First Christian Church in Kirksville unfortunately had to be cancelled due to widespread illness and potentially dangerous local road conditions.

Tuesday brought another clergy cluster meeting, this time in at First Christian Church in Warrensburg. Then the evening was spent at First Christian Church in Troy with a pot luck dinner and presentation. Bruce spent Wednesday with our United Church of Christ partners in the Missouri Mid-South Conference office.

The final stop on his schedule was the annual clergy "Super Cluster" gathering in the Southeast, this year held at Community Christian Church in Manchester. 

Thank you to all who hosted Bruce during his stay. 

Photos courtesy of Rev. Young Noh, pastor at  World Mission Christian Church in St. Charles.