FCC Troy Mission Trip

The Mission Team from FCC-Troy recently returned from a work camp experience in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. Twenty-five youth and adults travelled there on June 26th and returned on Saturday, July 2nd. Rev. Seth Rash, Associate Minister of Family and Youth at the church organized the trip, which is an annual activity of the youth program at FCC-Troy. The youth carried out a number of tasks, in association with GROUP which organized the mission experience in Sheboygan, along with some 200 other youth from around the country. 

Also new for the congregation is that their nearly $1 million addition is nearing completion. This new addition will feature four classrooms, a conference room, and new restrooms - approx. 3000 sq. feet. Martin Contractors, from Eolia are doing the construction - they are also church members. The addition was designed by Baalman Architects of O'Fallon, MO. It is hoped the new building will be ready for occupancy by September, with a dedication to be planned in the fall. 

Thank you to FCC Sr. Pastor Rev. Dr. Jeff Moore for this information and photos.

Montgomery City CC Outreach

Pictured from left to right: Rev. Angela Williams, Julie Deering (Nature's Plow), Kathy Gilbert (Montgomery City Christian Church Deacon)

Montgomery City Christian Church Outreach ministry received 100 pounds of ground beef from Mike and Julie Deering from the local family farm Nature's Plow. The ground beef will be provided to local residents during our monthly free Outreach program.

We have not only partnered with Nature's Plow to provide food to our neighbors, but also with High Hill Christian Church, which has provided non-perishable food boxes each month to provide to the community at our location.

Mike Deering of Nature’s Plow had this to say about the donation:

  • We often hear about the urban and rural divide. It’s sad that the one thing that unites us is food insecurity.

  • Nearly 13 million kids in the U.S. are food insecure. That number includes hundreds of thousands of Missouri kids here in the nation’s agricultural heartland.

  • According to Feeding Missouri, as many as one in five people in rural Missouri face food insecurity. Among children, the numbers are even higher. In parts of Missouri, one in three children faces food insecurity on a regular basis.

  • Our family farm won’t sit on the sidelines. Period. We found Angela on Facebook and are inspired by what her faith community is doing to help the food insecure in a way that allows those who are hurting to get what they need in a discrete and respectful way.

  • We live here. We farm here. We care. Many others do as well, evident by the fact that the little food pantry shack remains consistently full.

Thank you to MCCC pastor Rev. Angela Williams for this story and photo.

The Connecting Grounds Receives Grant

Pictured here with The Connecting Grounds’ Holly Madden and Christie Love are Rob Baird of the Musgrave Foundation distribution committee and Brian Fogle of the Community Foundation of the Ozarks. 

The Connecting Grounds recently received a grant of over $43,000 to expand their Family Connection program. Holly Madden, Family Connection Director, had this to say about the grant, how it will be utilized, and how it will impact many lives:

We are so incredibly honored for our Family Connection program to be one of the grant recipients for the Musgrave Foundation and Community Foundation of the Ozark’s grant to support children and families in the foster care system.

From the moment we hosted our very first parent-child visit, we saw the hope that this safe space and volunteer supervisors that engaged relationally brought to our families while they worked towards reunification.

This program started as an outreach one night a week but has rapidly expanded across the county and now the state.

We are incredible humbled to be selected for this grant which will be used to further expand this program. A few of those projects will look like finishing the remodel on our garage on TCG property which will turn into a function-able second visit space to be used every evening throughout the week! We will also be able to pay a stipend to a new staff member to support the local Family Connection while current staff focuses on expansion of Family Connection. This funding will also provide for some monthly activity expenses for parent-child visits, and will fund the next 2 semesters of our Parent Connect program!

There really aren’t words for how grateful we are for this opportunity and how excited we are to love on and support even more families across Greene County and across Missouri!

Congratulations and blessings to The Connecting Grounds as they further this vital ministry!

FCC Republic Celebrating 150 Years

First Christian Church in Republic is celebrating 150 years in ministry this year. One way that they’re marking the occasion is with some challenges based on the number 150.

The first challenge was, in partnership with their local United Methodist Church, to collect 150 pairs of shoes to be sent to Strong Tower Haiti. They exceeded this goal by collecting 175 pairs!

The April challenge was to collect 1500 diapers for Republic Pregnancy Resource Center. They went far beyond that goal as well. In fact, people were invited to guess how many diapers were collected and the person who guessed closest without going over won a gift card to Andy’s Frozen Custard. The final count - 9,003!

They will be looking forward to more activities as the year goes on. The challenge for May is for each member to read 150 Bible verses.

Thanks to FCC Senior Pastor Rev. Lee Young for this information and photos.

St. Charles CC Serving Their Community

On April 21, St. Charles Christian Church hosted A Community Conversation about Fentanyl, Opioids, and Grief. Less than a week after a local teen passed away, about 100 people including many youth, as well as members of law enforcement and fire and rescue staff, attended the event to learn and grieve together.

Panelists included a representative from the Center for Hope and Healing who presented a workshop on grief, a representative from the Drug Enforcement Administration who shared information on the increasing drug epidemic, and a physician’s assistant who outlined related medical facts.

The event was livestreamed and can still be viewed on their Facebook page and YouTube channel.

This Easter, the congregation also sponsored an Easter egg hunt for the community, as they’ve done annually for many years. Over 250 families participated this year! The event has outgrown the church yard and now has different age groups meet in different local parks. Church members provide the candy and prizes, and pack the eggs. Newtown has other activities for the kids following the hunt.

Thank you to St. Charles Christian Church pastor Rev. Chris Franklin
for this information and photos.

South Joplin Christian Church's Lenten Roads

South Joplin Christian Church collected 60 pairs of shoes and socks as a suggested spiritual discipline for their worship theme, "Lenten Roads." In place of cloaks on the road for Palm Sunday, worship attendees lined the chancel with walking shoes for Joplin schools' Bright Futures and Soul's Harbor, a local shelter. It may not be feasible for us to wash the feet of the unsheltered, but we hope to put socks and shoes on at least some of our neighbors in need.

Thanks to Senior Pastor Colleen Carrol for this information and photos.

Webster Groves Christian Church Open & Affirming

Board member Keiler Swartz thanks members after the Nov. 7 vote.

Webster Groves Christian Church in St. Louis has now been recognized by the Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance as an open and affirming congregation. Below is an article from the congregation’s December newsletter which highlights how they will move forward with this new focus.

On November 7, 98 percent of our voting members approved a motion in support of our Open and Affirming commitment and welcoming statement. Since then, here are the next steps WGCC has taken in fulfilling that commitment. On November 14, 2021, 12 members of Webster Groves Christian Church met to discuss next steps for implementing and celebrating our Open and Affirming status. The group formed a subcommittee for signage, logo, and marketing imagery. The committee will also explore websites, lists, organizations, and ministry partners with whom to share, celebrate, and continue to learn. WGCC name tags and directories will be revised to include people’s preferred pronouns. Welcoming documents and statements at worship and other gatherings will include: “Welcome to Webster Groves Christian Church, an Open and Affirming congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).” A subcommittee was formed to plan and schedule educational opportunities to help the congregation and community continue to learn about issues important to the LGBTQIA+ community and to our ongoing life together as an Open and Affirming congregation. On November 21, 2021, the Webster Groves Christian Church Board met, and received a report from the November 14 meeting (at which many Board members were present). The Board acknowledged, approved, and encouraged the work of the committee. The Board voted unanimously to provide an initial financial gift of $1,000 to Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance, to add the Alliance to WGGC’s Givelify online giving options, to hold a special offering benefitting the Alliance each year on the Sunday nearest the anniversary of the congregation’s vote to become Open and Affirming, and to encourage the congregation to pray regularly for the work of the Alliance. The Board also approved the following amendment to the WGCC Personnel Policy:

Webster Groves Christian Church is committed to treating all staff fairly without discriminating on the basis of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity and marital status, encouraging all to apply for employment, evaluating applicants and staff equally, and providing equal compensation and benefits for equal job descriptions.

Thanks to WGCC pastor Rev. Dr. Jeff Moore and WGCC newsletter editor Bob Rose
for this information and photo.

Crafting is Caring at Crossroads

On Sunday, 5 Dec 2021, Rev. Thomas Schofield of Crossroads Christian Church led the congregation in a dedication of blankets to be given to Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital and Children's Hospital. About ten ladies (members and friends) gave of their time and talent for the babies in these hospitals. After meeting for about two months they had made 55 baby blankets and 20 baby hats for Cardinal Glennon's Children's Hospital, and 39 youth tie-blankets for Children's Hospital.

The group also made 611 hearts to be used in the Neo-Intensive Care Units. Made from the same type of materials as the blankets, four hearts are given to the parents of each baby (two for each parent). The parents hold the hearts close to them for a while, then take one heart from each parent to the NIC-U to be placed on the baby. This way the baby learns to sense both parents who cannot hold the baby until it grows enough to leave the NIC-U. On the next visit the parents bring the second hearts, take home the first pair to be laundered, and repeat this process.

The Crafters’ main purpose is to serve others in need. They have also benefited from the fun fellowship while working together on their projects. Another benefit is uniting with the Crafters group at First Christian Church in Edwardsville, IL. Both groups are sharing all items with the two hospitals.

The church board approved of this project and added $2,400.00 to the 2022 budget to assist in the purchasing of materials for the project to continue into 2022 and beyond.

Thank you to Kay Marshall for this story and photos.

National Avenue CC Provides Extravagant Welcome

Photo courtesy of Juniper & Honey Photography

Last Friday, November 12, 2021, National Avenue Christian Church (NACC) hosted The Queer Revival. The goal of The Queer Revival as explained by leaders of the event, “is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for those who want to explore their spirituality and find connection within the walls of the spaces that has excluded our community. Whether you are a member of the LGBTQ+ community, or an ally who believes everyone belongs in these spaces.”

Over 150 people (the maximum number of ticket sales set by NACC) came together to experience church in a profound way. Leaders offer, “The Queer Revival is the brain child of queer artist i.V KiNG and was born in the idea of reclaiming spaces of faith that were stolen from the LGBTQ+ community. We believe that queerness is to be celebrated and that we are and have always been unconditionally loved! We believe you don’t have to choose between who you love and what you believe in. LGBTQ+ humans are brilliant unicorns, created exactly as God intended them to be. The Queer Revival is a celebration of that! It’s OUR version of church, so of course there will be drag queens!”

At a meeting after the event, several church leaders were delighted their grandchildren, nephews, and foster children were able to experience this event. They realized their children had only ever heard love and support of the LGBTQ+ community in church space. Leaders of NACC hope those who attended were able to feel loved, supported, and continue to find that love and support from church communities going forward.

Want to host or keep up with the tour for next year? Interested in finding out more? Visit: https://www.thequeerrevival.com/.

Here is another write up about the event: https://edpeaco.blogspot.com/2021/11/iv-kings-queer-revival-finds-space-for.html?fbclid=IwAR3iPZh4I-RlGNk3FbyhshEz33ghCDTiI4tnNchrersvK3bgBZDJlsAeFR4

Thanks to NACC Lead Pastor Rev. Jenn Simmons for this story.

Outreach for Homeless in St. Charles

On Saturday, September 18th St. Charles Christian Church’s praise team participated in a fundraiser for the homeless. The church put together over 100 bags loaded with essential supplies and food that are meant to give out to homeless on the street. Even the bag is meant for continued use and can work as backpack.  Several hundred came to the concert and enjoyed the evening, and the opportunity for outdoor activities and worship-like experience.  The event was held in the Amphitheater in New Town.

Thank you to Rev. Chris Franklin,
pastor of St. Charles CC for
this information and photos.

Ash Grove Drive Thru Lunch


First Christian Church in Ash Grove, Missouri made some creative adaptations to their long-standing tradition of a community BBQ lunch. On October 2, the church held a free lunch of smoked hot dogs and brats. People could drive by, place their order, and have their lunch handed to them – all without leaving their cars. The church handed out over 100 hot dogs and brats – all with a side of individually packaged chips. This is another great example of the church adapting and serving!

Reconciliation Special Offering

Reconciliation offering 2021.png

This Sunday the annual Reconciliation Offering will be received in congregations all over Mid-America and beyond. The theme this year is "Revealing God's Justice: The Time is Always Ripe to Do What is Right." Donations to this special offering enable us to provide reconciliation grants to congregations who need funding for projects that further the work of dismantling racism. There are two application periods each year with deadlines on March 1 and August 1. Past projects include a tutoring program, a campus ministries program, and our civil rights pilgrimages. Learn more>

FCC-Troy Youth Mission Trip to Winchester, KY


On July 11, 2021, 22 high school youth and 6 adults from First Christian Church-Troy, MO made the 6-hour drive Winchester, KY to serve alongside 220 other youth and adults from 7 different states. The trip was planned and operated by Group Mission Trips, a non-profit company that organizes mission trips around the globe. The youth and adults from FCC split up into smaller crews to work on 5 homes. They worked on home repair projects that ranged from rebuilding a front deck to painting an entire home. All the projects were outdoor projects this year to allow social distancing, so the crews worked tirelessly in the July heat. All the worksites had their projects completed by the end of the week, which does not always happen.


Beyond working on houses, the youth and adults from FCC Troy bonded through nightly worship and youth group discussions. Mission Trips are a great way for youth to grow closer together, and the FCC youth experienced a lot of that this summer. Group Mission Trips has a theme for each year, and this year’s theme was “Worth It.” Using the Parable of the Prodigal Son, the worships and devotions worked to show each youth that they are “Worth It” to God. This is an extremely important message for teenagers to receive in a culture that cheapens one’s worth more than enriching it.

It’s not all work and devotions during mission trip. FCC Youth enjoyed cooling off mid-week at Kentucky Kingdom Amusement and Waterpark. They rode water rides, roller coasters, and enjoyed concession stand snacks. The adults found a nice, air-conditioned restaurant inside the park. It was an enjoyable afternoon for everybody!

Mission Trips have long been a central focus of the Family and Youth Ministry at FCC Troy, and this year’s trip continues that tradition. Next year’s trip has already been scheduled to Sheboygan, Wisconsin. All are excited to serve God, eat bratwursts (Sheboygan is the home of the bratwurst), and swim in Lake Michigan!

Thanks to Rev. Seth Rash, Associate Minister of Family & Youth,
for this story and photos.

Springfield Churches Caring for the Unsheltered This Winter


Three Disciples churches in Springfield have partnered with three other local churches to embark on an ambitious ecumenical outreach project for this winter.

The Connecting Grounds (TCG), National Avenue CC, and Brentwood CC are planning a program by which unsheltered people will have someplace warm and safe to sleep each night of the winter season, no matter the outside temperature. The current shelter possibilities in town are only available if the temperature is predicted to fall below 32 degrees. This policy leaves people to brave elements that are still potentially dangerous. Another deliberate distinction for their plan is that it is inclusive with regard to gender identity. Elsewhere, couples are sometimes separated based on gender restrictions.

In addition, the group plans to continue TCG’s practice of delivering food and supplies to people staying outside whenever it’s 45 degrees or colder.

People wanting to get involved are invited to an informational session on September 28. The project will be needing volunteers to staff both aspects of the outreach, as well as donations to help cover the estimated $175,000 worth of expenses. All churches are asked to consider their Special Offering Challenge during the last weekend of September. Learn more through local news here and here>

Exciting New Ministry in Northwest Missouri


(… well, it’s actually a stone’s throw over the border into southwest Iowa!)

Founded by the Families of Faith of the Hopkins First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the “Homebounders,” listeners of daily Facebook devotions sponsored by Hopkins First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Camp Appleseed is available to any church that accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior for family gatherings, weddings, retreats, etc. Cost is a free will donation.

They have it all – tents, outdoor kitchen, canoes and kayaks, orchard, beach, fishing, shelter house – and, God willing, the Holy Spirit!

Recently they hosted a week of day camp for first through fifth graders. About 25 youngsters participated and had a wonderful time exploring their theme for the week – Psalm 23. One of their daily activities was to find something in the surrounding nature to represent one of the verses.

Come check it out! Fall is a wonderful time of year at the on-site 1,000-tree apple orchard. All are welcome to the Apple Butter Festival coming up on October 16. The day will include worship and prayer, in addition to apple picking, cider tasting, and of course lots of apple butter!

See their brochure for more information, photos, and history of the property. If you’d like more information about this facility and ministry, contact Steven Wainwright at jaetc@myfmtc.com. Steven is the Camp Director and pastor of FCC in Hopkins.

Six Weeks of Compassion 2021: Let Love Flow

Each year since 2013, we at Compton Heights Christian Church have dedicated six weeks in late summer to concentrate on several of our outreach missions, and to learn more about some of the organizations we are supporting. This year, due to Rev. Jacque Foster’s upcoming retirement, our Six Weeks of Compassion will take place in two separate parts:  August (1,8,15, 22) and September (12,19).

During August, we learned about how our Week of Compassion Offering collected in the winter is helping in disaster response and long-term recovery, as well as aid to refugees in camps around the world. 

We also heard a great progress report from our local resident ministry, Isaiah 58 Ministries. We surpassed our goal of 250 highlighters collected for their annual back to school drive.

One of our members shared memories of the first person-to-person visit in 2009 to Family Village Farm in India. Donations have been coming in for our support of children there.

During the two-week break, we will follow a gratitude calendar and prayerfully consider an additional gift to Week of Compassion.

In September we will learn about the work of Church World Service and receive items for CWS hygiene kits.  We also will learn about the unique Missouri Festival of Sharing that is an umbrella not only for Church World Service, but many organizations helping in our state.

Our theme for this year’s Six Weeks of Compassion is Let Love Flow. Our congregation is full of generous and loving people, who seriously believe that God’s Love is for All people, ourselves, our neighbors in the city and country, and around the world. We believe that God is present in every place that needs healing, compassion, and justice. For these 6 weeks we will focus on outreach, but we engage in this giving all through the year.

Thanks to Compton Heights Christian Church’s Judi Linville for this information.

SJCC Youth Participate in Disciple Summer Mission


In 2019 the youth of South Joplin Christian Church participated for the first time in the week long Disciple Summer Mission event which was held in Springfield, MO. It was a wonderful experience serving alongside other Disciples youth from other regions across the country. The youth were looking forward to the next event to be held in Memphis, TN in 2020. However, as the result of the COVID-19 pandemic the event was canceled and rescheduled for 2021. Needless to say, the SJCC youth were disappointed upon learning that the DSM event in Memphis was once again being rescheduled for 2022.


It was exciting news to hear that rather than totally cancel the 2021 Disciple Summer Mission, the DSM Planning Team re-envisioned the event and issued the call and challenge for Disciples youth to do mission and service work in their own communities. “DMS in our own backyards!”  What a novel idea and great opportunity to make ourselves visible in our own communities. South Joplin jumped on board and a small group of youth participated in the DSM week of service, worship and fellowship in Joplin, June 21-25. It turned out to be a great week and a wonderful mission experience.


Although small in number, the SJCC youth made an impact in the Joplin community. During the week the youth served at Crosslines Ministries, Inc., the local food panty and free store of which South Joplin has been a faithful partner since its inception 39 years ago. The youth provided some much needed cleaning of areas in the pantry, bagged 300 bags of commodities for distribution and sorted and re-organized a large donation of housewares that had accumulated over time. On an additional day the youth were part of SJCC’s volunteer team at Crosslines and had the opportunity to serve clients directly through food distribution and filling the clothing racks, etc. in the free store. Other service included tending the community garden at Soaring Heights Elementary School and the weeding of SJCC’s playground and park area that serves our local neighborhood. Mid-week the youth had the opportunity to assist in cataloging books and organizing the library at the Freedom of Flight Museum, a local non-profit located on the grounds of the Joplin Regional Airport, that provides the opportunity for children and youth to learn about and initiate interest in the field of aviation. 


The week’s activities also included a time for worship and fellowship. Although not gathered as one group of Disciples worshipping together, the DSM Team provided virtual resources via Facebook that we were able to incorporate into our own worship. Our time of fellowship during the week included an “All About Town” Scavenger hunt created by Pastor Kathryn which landed the group in the middle of the “Great Race” which was passing through Joplin and concluded with a stop at Sonic. Our week ended with a fun time of miniature golf and old fashioned snowballs.


Each day of the week the youth were challenged to reflect on the question, “Where did you see God at work today?” As we shared it was amazing to hear their answers and insights. Although we were not able to travel to Memphis and serve alongside other Disciples youth, we appreciate that we had the opportunity to serve in our own backyard. 

Submitted by Rev. Kathryn Wilson,
Minister of Mission and Outreach

Wyatt Park Christian Church Mission Trip to Arkansas


The Wyatt Park Christian Church youth and sponsors recently returned home from a week-long mission trip to Eureka Springs, AR.  They had the opportunity to paint cabins at the campground where they were staying.


The latter part of the week was helping to restore a little country church that had its beginnings pre-civil war. Much work was needed on the church but on our last day there, family members whose grandparents once served as pastors of the church showed up to share stories about the church with our youth.  We learned it had also been a one-room school house. Once it’s finished, they plan to have Bible Studies, weddings, funerals and possibly Sunday services once again. They also thanked us by feeding us pizza!  We finished our week with a fun day filled with kayaking and seeing “The Passion Play.”

Thank you to WPCC Associate Pastor Cindy Crouse for this story and photos.

All Aboard the Diaper Train at Florissant Valley Christian Church


Florissant Valley Christian Church partners with TEAM in collecting food and other items for those in need from Hazelwood and Florissant in North St Louis County. Team (The Emergency Assistance Ministry) is sponsored by a number of congregations in North County as well as other groups.

Florissant Valley Christian Church contributes regularly to TEAM by having an emphasis that may run a month or two. Having a focus for the contributions seems to work well. Recently we had a fun emphasis called "The Diaper Train.” When the FVCC’s volunteers delivered the previous van load of food, they had been told of the need for diapers. In response, we came up with the fun idea of making a diaper train. The challenge was to make a train of diaper packages from one door down the hall to the nursery. We placed the “locomotive” on the wall at one end; the “caboose” at the other. Boxcars (pictures of diaper boxes with wheels) were placed along the hallway wall, with large letters spelling out “Diaper Train.” 

 On July 25, the collection ended with close to 100 boxes/packages of diapers, wipes, and adult diapers. We dedicated them in worship with this prayer: God, We give you thanks for all you have given us especially your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. You have given us so many material things including the financial means to be generous as you have taught us. Thank you that we have learned from Jesus to share what we have with others.

We thank you for agencies—their staff , volunteers and sponsors such as TEAM that put your teachings into action by helping others. We pray that those who may receive our offerings of diapers may be blessed and that their needs will be lessened by the donations of others.


On Monday July 26, FVCC’s volunteers  delivered the carloads of diapers to TEAM.

Thanks to Rev. Mike and Sandy Dixon for this story and photo.

Vaccines at South Street Christian Church


In response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases and low vaccination rates in southwest Missouri, six Springfield churches, led by South Street Christian Church, hosted two vaccination clinics, on Thursday, June 10, with a follow-up event on Thursday, July 1. The clinics were held at South Street in Myers Fellowship Hall. Other supporting churches in this ecumenical effort were St. Agnes Catholic Church, First Baptist Church, Grace United Methodist Church, the Downtown Church, and Southside Baptist Church.

Local station KY3 was there to cover the event.

The vaccines and personnel were furnished by the Jordan Valley Community Health Center in partnership with the Greene County Health Department, Greene County Medical Society, the City of Springfield, and the United Way of the Ozarks' Give5 program. First and second shots of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and one-time Johnson & Johnson shots were available.

Among those vaccinated were several teenagers (aged 12-17), including two children of South Street's new Associate Minister, Rev. David Nordyke. Pictured are Kyleigh and Garrison Nordyke receiving the first shot of the Pfizer vaccine.

South Street has been having in-person worship since Easter, but they are still requiring masks and social distancing in the sanctuary. Senior Minister Rev. Janet Given said, "We are in a critical situation in the Springfield area, with a very low vaccination rate and the Delta variant spreading rapidly. We encourage everyone who is eligible to be vaccinated to do so as soon as possible, for your protection and the safety of others."

Thanks to Rev. Janet Given, Senior Minister
for this story and photos.